Note to readers

This is a blog that I'm required to keep that's full of unedited, near stream-of-consciousness reactions to similarly required and related readings in a graduate course in N.C. State University's Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media program. The way these posts are written help me interrogate and understand what's going on in our readings. I'm identifying what's troublesome so that I can give it more thought, but the posts aren't written in a style that's productive for audiences outside of our class to read. That's by design. I start with contestation, then spend heavens only knows how long researching, recutting, and reevaluating so that I can try and see what potentially productive readings I can extract from these source for use in my own work's contributions back to the field. Comments encouraged, but please, you'll likely need a thick skin if your work is quoted here.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Close Encounters (who is reading our blogs?)

I figured I oughta keep better tabs of who is reading the blog, if anybody (am I being graded?!), and have already traced two results that make me wonder about the utility of, in practice, essentially forcing someone with my, um, style of inquiry (note: recall that phrase is our secret keyphrase for "contestational style") to post something that's indexed, searchable, and available for anyone with an Internet connection to read off of the web.

Okay, so here are my two more interesting visitors, so far...

Domain Name   (Unknown) 
IP Address   198.146.87.# (Tennessee Board of Regents)
ISP   Tennessee Board of Regents
Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  Tennessee
City  :  Nashville
Lat/Long  :  36.1458, -86.7844 (Map)
Language   English (U.S.)
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
Browser   Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)
Javascript   version 1.3
Resolution  :  800 x 600
Color Depth  :  32 bits

The TN Board of Regents really isn't someone I want reading through these incredibly tentative, but strongly worded critiques I'm writing here. The way these are written help me interrogate and understand what's going on in our readings, identifying what's troublesome so that I can give it more thought, but they aren't written in a style that's productive for audiences outside of our class to read. That's by design. I start here, then spend heaven's only knows how long researching, recutting, and reevaluating so that I can try and see what potentially productive readings I can extract from the readings for use in my own work.

More disconcerting is that the Regents visit came from someone referred to my blog via an email, and the email contained a link directly to my blog on Blair and Hoy. So somebody who already read the blog (no idea who) essentially vetted the information and still wanted to pass it along. Rarely a good thing when I'm in contestation mode.

(Aside: They were also reading at 800x600 resolution, which means they were either using a pretty danged old laptop, or they possibly don't have the best eyesight.)

Another interesting search was from with a search term of "University of Phoenix". Here, I'm not so upset that they've seen what I think of online instruction as it's currently conceived, nor as it was presented in Blair and Hoy. Actually, I hope I get a few more of those. ;^)

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